I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Teacher Appreciation Day PowerPoint. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual language classrooms!
Make your teachers feel special on Teacher Appreciation Day, remind them how important they are to our society, and make them feel unique and proud of their work.
This presentation is perfect to pay tribute to all the teachers and make them feel an unforgettable moment with the information and reflections of your students during the presentation.
Each slide will make children value their teachers; they will comprehend the important role teachers play in their present and future. Students will be aware that their help is fundamental to grow, hand in hand.
It is a fabulous opportunity for children to be aware of the effort and time the teachers put into teaching, helping, and reinforcing them.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: What is Teacher Appreciation Day? (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 2: History of Teacher Appreciation Day - Part I (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 3: History of Teacher Appreciation Day - Part II (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 4: Teachers are SO Important (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 5: How Teachers Make a Difference in Students’ Lives (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 6: What does it Mean to Be a Teacher (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 7: How Can We Help Our Teachers (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 8: What do Teachers do in their Free Time? (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 9: Teachers Are Humans Too (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 10: Teacher Appreciation Day is Every Day (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 11: Inspiring Teachers in your Life (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 12: We Have Learned About - Teacher Appreciation Day (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!
Esta colección busca despertar el interés de los estudiantes con interesantes preguntas de debate y reflexión. Este recurso no sólo instruye, sino que también capacita a los niños para desarrollar empatía y comprensión hacia las personas refugiadas en todo el mundo.
Este recurso ofrece un enfoque de aprendizaje critico sobre los refugiados. Inspira a los niños a expresarse de forma creativa mientras profundizan en su comprensión de las experiencias de los refugiados y fomentan la empatía en el proceso.
La colección permite a los estudiantes explorar de forma significativa la diversidad cultural, la resiliencia y la compasión a través de la creación práctica y la escritura reflexiva. Sin duda, este recurso dejará un impacto duradero tu clase.
Ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar empatía y comprensión hacia los refugiados.
Mejorar el aprendizaje transversal con actividades integradas como la manualidad y la escritura.
Crear un entorno positivo en el aula que celebre la diversidad y la inclusión.
Esta colección incluye:
Recursos 1: Refugiados Presentación PowerPoint | Discussion and Reflection Questions
Recursos 2: Refugiados Actividad | Craft, Venn Diagram and Writing Prompts
Recursos 3: Refugiados Manualidad Actividad | Printable Writing Prompt
¡Promueve la empatía y la bondad entre tus estudiantes!
Descarga la Versioón en Inglés
Refugees Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Printable Activity,and Crafts
This collection engages students with interesting discussion and reflection questions. This resource not only educates but also empowers students to develop empathy and understanding for refugee individuals worldwide.
This resource offers a multi-faceted approach to learning about refugees. Inspire students to express themselves creatively while deepening their understanding of refugee experiences and fostering empathy in the process.
The Collection engages students in a meaningful exploration of cultural diversity, resilience, and compassion through hands-on crafting and reflective writing. This resource is sure to leave a lasting impact on your classroom.
Empower students to develop empathy and understanding for refugees.
Enhance cross-curricular learning with integrated craft and writing activities.
Create a positive classroom environment that celebrates diversity and inclusion.
This collection includes:
Resource 1: Refugees PowerPoint Presentation | Discussion and Reflection Questions
Resource 2: Refugees Activity | Craft, Venn Diagram and Writing Prompts
Resource 3: Refugees Day Craft and Printable Writing Prompt Activity
Download the Spanish Version
Refugiados Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Printable Activity and Crafts
Promote empathy and kindness among your students!
Use these badges and cards to praise your children when they demonstrate meta-cognitive skills, ask for help or support, focus on their own progress, persevere through difficulties, and invest the necessary effort to overcome challenges.
When you cultivate a growth mindset and motivate your kids when they display it, they begin to develop self-awareness towards learning and work. Students learn to appreciate both positive and negative experiences as opportunities for learning. Children start to enjoy learning, even when it is challenging, and they value the effort they put in. As a result, students’ self-esteem improves, and a sense of authentic motivation grows in the classroom.
Affirmations, delivered from a first-person perspective, have the power to help children build trust in themselves. They feel like active participants and take ownership of their learning.
The set of 24 posters with positive affirmations is perfect for decorating your classroom.
Remember that these strategies can be effective in any grade classroom.
This resource offers:
24 Badges in color and black and white.
24 Cards in color and black and white.
24 Posters in color and black and white
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Enjoy the benefits of developing a growth mindset culture in your class!
Memorial Day is a time to honor and pay tribute to the brave men and women who have given their lives in service to our country. As educators, it’s important to teach our students the true meaning of this important holiday.
Give your students a meaningful and memorable learning experience.
Memorial Day Bundle is the perfect educational resource for teaching children about this significant day. This bundle is tailored to their age and understanding.
This resource promotes an atmosphere of gratitude and appreciation, and encourages children to reflect on the sacrifices made by our military heroes. Children will learn about the history of Memorial Day and the importance of honoring those who have given their lives for our freedom.
The feeling of respect and pride for our heroes will be expressed in a variety of ways, and children will have the opportunity to share their newfound knowledge with their families. With our Memorial Day Bundle, you can ensure that your students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for this important day.
This collection includes the following resources:
Resource 1: Memorial Day PowerPoint Presentation
Resource 2: Memorial Day Activity
Resource 3: Memorial Day Badge Craft
Resource 4: Remembrance Day Banner | Pennant
Remember & Honor Memorial Day with your kids!
¿Quiere que tus estudiantes participen con un recurso interactivo sobre las funciones vitales de nuestros ayudantes de la comunidad? Con tres recursos diferentes, encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje enriquecedora que hace hincapié en la importancia y funciones de los ayudantes de la comunidad y fomenta la creatividad y practica las habilidades de escritura.
El primer recurso, la presentación en PowerPoint, incluye preguntas para el debate y reflexión. La presentación está diseñada para estimular el diálogo y animar a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre las funciones y la importancia de los ayudantes de la comunidad en sus propias vidas.
El segundo recurso, Si yo fuera: Banderines y tarjetas de los ayudantes de la comunidad, ofrece una actividad de escritura creativa y decoración que permite a los estudiantes explorar y expresar cómo sería ser un ayudante de la comunidad. Este recurso es una magnífica oportunidad para exponer en clase el trabajo de los estudiantes y fomentar un sentimiento de orgullo y logro.
Por último, la actividad de manualidad y reflexión sobre los héroes de la comunidad anima a los estudiantes a pensar en profundidad sobre las cualidades que hacen heroicos a los ayudantes de la comunidad. Al reflexionar sobre los atributos de los héroes de la comunidad, los estudiantes adquieren un aprecio más profundo por estas funciones y se inspiran para encarnar estos rasgos positivos en sus propias vidas.
Este paquete no sólo ahorra un valioso tiempo de preparación, sino que también enriquece la experiencia de la clase.
Esta colección incluye:
Recurso 1: Ayudantes de la Comunidad Presentación PowerPoint Discussion and Reflection Q’s
Recurso 2: Si Yo Fuera, Ayudantes de la Comunidad Banderines/Tarjeta Actividad de Escritura
Recurso 3: Ayudantes de la Comunidad Manualidad Héroes | Actividad de Escritura y Reflexión
★ Download the English Collection:
Community Helpers Collection BUNDLE | PPT Presentation, Printables and Crafts
¡Disfruta del Día de los Ayudantes de la Comunidad!
Are you looking to engage your students with an interactive resource about the vital roles of community helpers? With these three diverse resources, you will find everything you need to create an immersive learning experience that emphasizes the importance of community roles, fosters creativity, and enhances writing skills.
The first resource, the Community Helpers PowerPoint Presentation, comes complete with discussion and reflection questions. The presentation is designed to stimulate thoughtful discussions, encouraging students to reflect on the roles and significance of community helpers in their own lives.
The second resource, If I Were: Community Helpers Pennants and Card, offers a creative writing and decorating activity that allows students to explore and express what it would be like to be a community helper. This resource provides a wonderful opportunity for classroom displays, showcasing students’ work and fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Finally, the Community Helpers Hero Craft, Writing and Reflection Activity combines craft-making with reflective writing, encouraging students to think deeply about the qualities that make community helpers heroic. By reflecting on the attributes of community heroes, students gain a deeper appreciation for these roles and are inspired to embody these positive traits in their own lives.
This bundle not only saves valuable preparation time but also enriches the classroom experience, making it an essential addition to any educational tool.
This collection includes:
Resource 1: Community Helpers PowerPoint Presentation | Discussion and Reflection Questions
Resource 2: If I Were | Community Helpers Pennants and Card, Writing and Decor Activity
Resource 3: Community Helpers Hero Craft, Writing and Reflection Activity
Enjoy the Community Helpers Collection BUNDLE!
Los premios Growth Mindset son una forma excelente de celebrar los progresos de los estudiantes. Este set de premios motivacionales incluye los principios fundamentales de una Mentalidad de Crecimiento, elogiando a tus niños por todo su esfuerzo y crecimiento desde el comienzo del año.
Estos premios son perfectos para celebraciones mensuales, trimestrales o de fin de curso. Sólo tienes que hacer clic en los cuadros de texto y escribir los nombres de los estudiantes, las fechas, las calificaciones y los nombres de los maestros para personalizarlos. Cuando tus estudiantes reciban estos premios a lo largo del año, florecerá en tu clase un sentimiento de comunidad y un entorno de mentalidad de crecimiento.
Al ofrecer a tu clase oportunidades de éxito y progreso, estos premios animan a los estudiantes a dar lo mejor de sí mismos y a abrazar el esfuerzo y el trabajo duro. Proporcionarles frases empoderadoras permanecerá con ellos para el resto de sus vidas.
Todos los premios vienen con citas reales de Mentalidad de Crecimiento, y hay 10 versiones disponibles tanto para chicos como para chicas, ¡haciéndolos más personalizados para tus estudiantes!
Este recurso incluye:
40 Certificados o Diplomas Editables a Color.
40 Certificados o Diplomas Editables a Blanco y Negro
Powerpoint: El programa de Microsoft para usuarios de Windows listo para importar en Google Slides.
Keynote: Primera elección entre los usuarios de Apple, un software exclusivo para computadoras Mac.
PDF file: Listo para imprimir y completar a mano, con tu propio estilo.
Partes editables del Certificado o Diploma:
Nombre del Estudiante
Nombre del Maestro/a
Los certificados son:
★ Related resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
EN TOTAL: Descargarás 240 archivos
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset Finger Counting 0- 10. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms.
These resources were designed to help PreK and Kindergarten students learn and practice numbers from 0 to 10 while fostering a growth mindset culture at the same time.
Children naturally lean toward a growth mindset as they are curious and learn through all of their senses. By providing a more positive outlook on learning, you can nurture and maintain their growth mindset.
Don’t let your little ones shift from a growth mindset to a fixed mindset. Start building their tools for developing a growth mindset now!
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource offers an English and Spanish version of:
A set of colorful and black-and-white posters (0-10) featuring written numerals, number words, finger counting, and affirmations to encourage your students’ growth mindset and success. These posters are perfect for decorating your bulletin board!
A set of black-and-white worksheets (0-10) to help children practice numbers and growth mindset affirmations through tracing activities.
A set of finger counting puppets (0-10) in color and black and white. These puppets reinforce growth mindset affirmations and numbers by allowing children to role-play. As they recognize the numbers and affirmations, they use their fingers to remind each other of the positive affirmations.
I hope you enjoy developing a growth mindset culture in your classroom.
Enriquece la celebración de Acción de Gracias de tu clase con este precioso BUNDLE. Este completo paquete incluye tres fantásticos recursos para que tu clase sea impactante: una excelente presentación en PowerPoint con preguntas que generan debate y reflexión para suscitar conversaciones significativas, una actividad de escritura de cartas de Acción de Gracias que fomenta la creatividad y la gratitud a través de instrucciones fáciles de seguir, y una actividad de manualidades y escritura del pavo de Acción de Gracias que fomenta las habilidades motoras finas a la vez que refuerza la escritura y los valores.
A los maestros les encanta este BUNDLE porque ahorran tiempo al proporcionar todo lo necesario en un solo paquete. El contenido mantiene a los estudiantes interesados y participando activamente, fomentando el pensamiento crítico, la creatividad, los valores y la motricidad fina. Este recurso es perfecto para las actividades de clase, los deberes o los proyectos de vacaciones, ya que mejora la experiencia de clase con materiales diseñados para inspirar y motivar a las mentes más jóvenes.
Esta colección incluye:
Recurso 1: Acción de Gracias Presentación PowerPoint | Discussion and Reflection Questions
Recurso 2: Acción de Gracias Actividad | Letter Pack and Writing Activity
Recurso 3: Acción de Gracias Manualidad | Writing Activity
¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!
Elevate your classroom’s Thanksgiving celebration with this beautiful BUNDLE. This comprehensive package includes three engaging resources to make your lessons impactful: a vibrant Thanksgiving PowerPoint Presentation with discussion and reflection questions to spark meaningful conversations, a Thanksgiving Letter Pack Writing Activity that fosters creativity and gratitude through easy-to-follow prompts, and a Thanksgiving Turkey Craft and Writing Activity that boosts fine motor skills while reinforcing literacy and values.
Teachers love this bundle because it saves time by providing everything needed in one package. The content keeps students interested and actively participating, promoting critical thinking, creativity, and fine motor skills. This resource is perfect for classroom activities, homework, or holiday projects, enhancing your teaching experience with materials designed to inspire and engage young minds.
This collection includes:
Resource 1: Thanksgiving PowerPoint Presentation | Discussion and Reflection Questions
Resource 2: Thanksgiving Letter Pack Writing Activity
Resource 3: Thanksgiving Turkey Craft Writing Activity
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Do you know what your students want from life? What do they want to achieve? Personal action plans help your students to become more aware and purposeful in making the decisions that create their lives. They make improved decisions and better use of your time and other resources.
Children have many ideas to share, but sometimes they are not heard. My Four Seasons - Action Plans teach children valuable skills: they learn to advocate for what they want, set goals, and make compromises.
This BUNDLE helps children strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence as they work on their plans. The activities provide them an opportunity for reflection and build consensus with their families and friends.
The crafts are excellent on bulletin boards or decorating home, I HIGHLY recommend printing on card stock for best results.
Children feel responsible for the actions, resources, and tasks assigned.
These resources are also fantastic for Seasonal Camps!!
This resource includes:
My Spring - Action Plan
My Summer - Action Plan
My Autumn - Action Plan
My Winter - Action Plan
Happy Seasons!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation and Decor. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Promote reflection and discussion on International Women’s Day with your students, while fostering critical thinking. Introduce the theme with an incredible classroom decoration and atmosphere full of energy to recognize all women.
This BUNDLE is fantastic for introducing, decorating, and celebrating the lives and accomplishments of women with the entire class or school, regardless of whether they have received recognition for it.
With this interactive presentation, our students will gain a deep understanding of the history and true significance of International Women’s Day. Each slide includes thought-provoking questions that will help children grasp and appreciate the importance of this important event.
The presentation covers various topics, such as the role of women both in the past and present, stereotypes, ways to promote women’s equality, and more. Additionally, students can discuss women who have personally inspired them, whether they are family members or well-known figures.
With the decor you allow your students to experience and live the atmosphere of remembering and honoring International Women’s Day in a fun, emotional, and colorful environment. It is perfect for decorating the bulletin board or door.
Additionally, you will be able to inspire in your students a feeling of celebration, reflection, and solidarity from the moment they see your decorated classroom.
When your students, colleagues, or parents arrive in your class, they will know it is a genuine event where equality, human rights, justice, and celebrating women’s achievements matter.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: International Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 2: Why We Celebrate International Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 3: History International Women’s Day - Part I (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 4: History International Women’s Day - Part II (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 5: History International Women’s Day - Part III (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 6: Women’s Role In The Past (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 7: Women’s Role In The Present (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 8: Inspiring Women (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 9: How to Promote Gender Equality (Women - Men) (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 10: I Don’t Stereotype Women (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 11: We Have Learned About - International Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
**Decor: **(English and Spanish Version)
Letters (Happy Women’s Day):
Large Size: 1 letter per page (14 pages in color)
Medium Size: 2 letters per page (7 pages in color)
Small Size: 6 letters per page (4 pages in color)
Decor Dots: 18 colorful designs
Poster Cards: 6 half pages in color
Happy Women’s Day!
Esta colección sobre el Día de la Bandera es una oportunidad para promover valores de patriotismo, respeto y aprecio por nuestro país y por aquellos que han servido para protegerlo. La presentación en PowerPoint se centra en enseñar el orgullo y el respeto por la bandera de los americanos y los ideales que representa.
Con cada diapositiva, los niños se embarcarán en un viaje para explorar la historia y el simbolismo de la bandera de los americanos. Descubrirán el significado de sus colores, estrellas y franjas, y comprenderán mejor cómo estos elementos reflejan los valores fundamentales de nuestra nación.
A través de divertidas actividades y manualidades, los niños no sólo profundizarán en su aprecio por la bandera americana, sino que también expresarán su creatividad y su conexión personal con este símbolo icónico. Al diseñar sus banderas, los estudiantes descubrirán que la bandera es algo más que un trozo de tela: es un poderoso emblema de unidad e inspiración.
Cuando los estudiantes lleven sus coronas adornadas con orgullo, llevarán consigo un profundo amor y respeto por su país, simbolizado por la bandera.
Esta colección incluye:
Recurso 1: Día de la Bandera Presentación PowerPoint | Discussion and Reflection Questions
Recurso 2: Día de la Bandera Actividad | Reading Tasks and Creative Writing Prompts
Recurso 3: Día de la Bandera Corona | Printable Writing Prompt
Recurso 4: Día de la Bandera | Actividad Google Slides
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
Flag Day Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Craft, Writing Activity, and Google Slides
¡Feliz Día de la Bandera!
This collection about Flag Day is an opportunity to promote values of patriotism, respect, and appreciation for our country and those who have served to protect it. The PowerPoint presentation focuses on teaching pride and respect for the American flag and the ideals it represents.
With each slide, children will embark on a journey to explore the history and symbolism of the American flag. They’ll uncover the significance behind its colors, stars, and stripes, gaining a deeper understanding of how these elements reflect our nation’s core values.
Through fun activities and crafts, children will not only deepen their appreciation for the American flag but also express their creativity and personal connection to this iconic symbol. By designing their flags, students will discover that the flag is more than just a piece of cloth, it’s a powerful emblem of unity and inspiration.
As students wear their crowns adorned with pride, they’ll carry with them profound love and respect for their country, symbolized by the flag.
This collection includes:
Resource 1: Flag Day PowerPoint Presentation | Discussion and Reflection Questions
Resource 2: Flag Day Activity Google Slides
Resource 3: Flag Day Activity | Reading Tasks and Creative Writing Prompts
Resource 4: Flag Day Crown Printable Writing Prompt
Download the Spanish Version
Flag Day Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Craft, Writing Activity, and Google Slides
*Happy Flag Day!
¿Quieres que tus estudiantes mejoren su autoestima, reduzcan su ansiedad, mejoren su imagen corporal y aumenten su rendimiento en clase? No busque más, este excepcional paquete te ofrece todo eso y mucho más.
Este paquete está diseñado específicamente para introducir y cultivar el diálogo interno positivo entre los estudiantes. Les proporciona las herramientas necesarias para cuestionar su diálogo interior negativo y sustituirlo por afirmaciones más positivas. A través de este proceso, los estudiantes desarrollan una mayor conciencia de sí mismos, lo que les permite discernir entre el diálogo interior positivo y el negativo.
Estos recursos pueden compartirse con familiares y amigos como medio de refuerzo y apoyo. Además, los materiales incitan a los niños a reflexionar sobre situaciones de la vida real, ofreciéndoles la oportunidad de elegir conscientemente un diálogo personal positivo frente a alternativas negativas.
Recuerda que una de las formas más eficaces de ayudar a tus estudiantes es entablar conversaciones con ellos sobre su “voz interior” y sobre cómo a veces puede transmitir mensajes poco útiles. Al abordar este aspecto de su diálogo interno, puedes guiarles hacia una mentalidad más positiva y auto-afirmativa. No te pierdas este valioso recurso para fomentar el crecimiento personal y el éxito académico de tus estudiantes.
Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos:
Recurso 1: Diálogo Interno Positivo | Presentación PowerPoint con Emoticones
Recurso 2: Diálogo Interno Positivo | Con Emoticones
Recurso 3: Diálogo Interno Positivo | Mini Manualidad Con Emoticones
Recurso 4: Diálogo Interno Positivo | Comecocos con Emoticones
Recurso 5: Diálogo Interno Positivo Tarjetas de Trabajo
¡Disfruta con tus estudiantes de los beneficios del Dialogo Interno positivo!
Do you want your students to enhance their self-esteem, alleviate anxiety, improve their body image, and boost their performance in class? Look no further than this exceptional bundle that offers all that and more.
This bundle is specifically designed to introduce and cultivate positive self-talk among your students. It equips them with the tools to challenge their negative inner dialogue and replace it with more positive and affirming statements. Through this process, students develop a heightened sense of self-awareness, enabling them to discern between positive and negative self-talk.
The inclusion of a mini Book and Craft within the bundle further amplifies its impact. These resources can be shared with family members and friends, serving as a means of reinforcement and support. Additionally, the materials prompt children to reflect on real-life situations, providing them with the opportunity to consciously choose positive self-talk over negative alternatives.
Remember, one of the most effective ways to assist your students is by engaging them in conversations about their “inner voice” and how it can sometimes convey unhelpful messages. By addressing this aspect of their internal dialogue, you can guide them towards a more positive and self-affirming mindset. Don’t miss out on this invaluable resource for fostering personal growth and academic success among your students.
This collection includes the following resources:
Resource 1: Positive Self-Talk | PowerPoint Presentation with Emojis
Resource 2: Positive Self-Talk | Mini Book With Emojis
Resource 3: Positive Self-Talk | Emojis Mini Craft
Resource 4: Positive Self-Talk | Cootie Catcher with Emojis
Enjoy with your students the benefits of Positive Self-Talk!
This bundle includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset Posters, Badges, and Cards. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual language classrooms.
This bundle includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset Posters, Badges, and Cards. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms.
Use these badges and cards to praise your children when they demonstrate meta-cognitive skills, ask for help or support, focus on their own progress, persevere through difficulties, and invest the necessary effort to overcome challenges.
When you cultivate a growth mindset and motivate your kids when they display it, they begin to develop self-awareness towards learning and work. Students learn to appreciate both positive and negative experiences as opportunities for learning. Children start to enjoy learning, even when it is challenging, and they value the effort they put in. As a result, students’ self-esteem improves, and a sense of authentic motivation grows in the classroom.
Affirmations, delivered from a first-person perspective, have the power to help children build trust in themselves. They feel like active participants and take ownership of their learning.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource offers:
24 Badges in color and black and white. (English and Spanish Version)
24 Cards in color and black and white. (English and Spanish Version)
24 Posters in color and black and white (English and Spanish Version)
Enjoy the benefits of developing a growth mindset culture in your class!
Esta colección es ideal para presentar a los Reyes Magos y las valiosas enseñanzas que nos transmiten. Las actividades fomentan conciencia cultural, creatividad, curiosidad, generosidad y humildad. Muestra a los niños que el Día de Reyes es algo más que un acontecimiento.
A través de estos recursos, los niños comprenden que dar es un gesto del corazón y que los regalos se hacen para expresar amor y gratitud. Dar no es sólo tarea de los Reyes Magos; todos podemos dar y no sólo cosas materiales.
Tendrás la oportunidad de presentar a los personajes principales de la historia de los Reyes Magos, junto con la historia del niño Jesús. Tus estudiantes comprenderán realmente el significado genuino del Día de Reyes, creando así un recuerdo imborrable.
Esta colección ofrece una ventana a diversas prácticas culturales y fomenta el aprecio por las diferentes costumbres. Proporciona una valiosa experiencia cultural y educativa.
Esta colección incluye:
Recurso 1: Día de los Tres Reyes Magos Presentación PowerPoint
Recurso 2: Día de los Tres Reyes Magos Actividad
Recurso 3: Día de los Tres Reyes Magos Actividad Google Slides
Recurso 4: Carta a los Tres Reyes Magos
¡Feliz Día de Reyes!
★Download the English Collection:
Three Kings Day Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Worksheets, Google Slides and Crafts
This collection is ideal for introducing the Three Kings and the valuable lessons they teach us. The activities promote cultural awareness, creativity, curiosity, generosity, and humility. It shows children that Three Kings Day is more than just an event.
Through these resources, children understand that giving is a gesture of the heart and that gifts are given to express love and gratitude. Giving is not just a task of the Three Wise Men; we can all give, not just material things.
You will have the opportunity to introduce the main characters in the story of the Magi, along with the story of the baby Jesus. Your students will truly understand the genuine meaning of Three Kings Day, creating a lasting impression.
This collection offers a window into diverse cultural practices and fosters an appreciation for different customs. It provides a valuable cultural and educational experience.
This collection includes:
Resource 1: Three Kings Day PowerPoint Presentation
Resource 2: Three Kings Day Activity
Resource 3: Three Kings Day Activity Google Slides
Resource 4: Letter to The Three Wise Men
Happy Three Kings’ Day!
★Download the Spanish Collection:
Día de los Tres Reyes Magos Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Worksheets, GS and Crafts